Oil & Gas Engineer CV [Full Sample]

Here’s a full Oil & Gas Engineer resume sample, which we wrote for a client recently.

QUICK TIP : Writing an Oil & Gas (Engineering) Resume

To start off, it is important to take note of one key point, especially relevant to Oil and Gas Engineering roles :

Oil and Gas engineering roles tend to be project-based i.e. they revolve around projects which may be difficult to quantify.  As it is vital to have quantifiable metrics in any CV, particularly relating to your achievements, it is useful to :


– Have a ‘General Overview’ section 1st where the general and higher level roles and responsibilities are highlighted ; these should not be project specific

– Include a separate ‘Significant Projects’ section where the top 3 projects are highlighted. Example:

Project Title
Brief Description of Project
Role: XX | Value: YY [omit value if confidential]
– Project-specific work
– Other responsibilities
 Significant outcomes of the project


This approach allows you to present your projects as achievements while still telling the reader about your competencies.  Read on for other tips in our guide below.


Your Guide to Writing Stand-Out Oil & Gas Engineer Resumes

Engineering is a broad discipline, with many different subspecialties. As such, it’s particularly important to distinguish yourself in your specific specialty e.g if you are a drilling engineer, show how your skills set you apart from a pipeline mining engineer.

As for the industry, Oil and Gas is split through the value chain, specifically, the roles are in 3 segments – upstream, midstream, and downstream.

Upstream: Covers the exploration and production of oil and gas. “E&P” (for “exploration and production”) is also widely used here.

Roles would typically involve drilling to extract the raw material; it is thus very high tech intensive and those who keep up-to-date with the relevant tech (e.g. projects involving specific equipment selection and maintenance, or introduction of new technology) would gain the upper hand.

So what specific points should you convey in your CV? Be sure to highlight that you are

  • Comfortable with technology;
  • Innovative
  • Able to negotiate successfully

E&P companies usually hire

  • Contract drilling companies to drill wells for them
  • Well servicing companies to construct and maintain well sites.

There are thus potential roles in these companies as well.

Midstream: This focuses more on the transportation and storage of the raw materials once extracted to the refineries.

A Role example here would be in pipeline engineering, with coverage including

  • Effective and efficient delivery of Pipeline engineering and technology solutions.
  • Providing Pipeline engineering technical consultancies

Overseeing implementation of Pipeline engineering technical governance and assurance

One area that stands out here is knowledge of the regulations involved due to its highly regulated nature. So do show in your CV that you are

  • Aware of the regulatory and compliance implications of new and planned operations
  • Note that Upstream and Midstream are typically inter-related and sometimes termed together under Upstream.

Downstream : This involves conversion of the oil and gas in the refinery to products for general use (e.g. gasoline, jet and bunker fuel, asphalt)

Roles here are wider and more varied, and can involve anything from refinery and petrol station management, to sales and marketing, with many engineers wanting to broaden their experience in the industry taking on these roles.

An important point to note is that even if you don’t have oil and gas industry experience and want to break into it, it’s important that your CV showcases roles in other sectors that may appeal to oil and gas employers. For example, engineers from a different industry may have a lot of the relevant skills and experience.

Areas to look out for and highlight

A role in the oil and gas industry may require specialist experience or skills, so a regular CV may not be enough to sell yourself to a potential employer.

Technical qualifications:

In the oil and gas sector there are key areas of technical expertise that are always in high demand. Due to the nature of exploration and production, for example, energy companies are constantly looking for people with qualifications in mechanical, production and chemical engineering. Placing details of your technical qualifications at the start of the CV will enable a recruiter to see them right away. Remember to check the specific requirements of the role and make it clear that you meet these requirements in the very first paragraph.


One area that the industry focuses on very importantly is on HSE or Health, Safety and Environment – not surprisingly due to the nature of the business. As such, having been involved in HSE and helping to maintain clean HSE records in an oil and gas engineering role matter significantly and should be highlighted.

Combining these 2 key consideration areas – Technology and Safety – oil & gas companies are always looking for ways to reduce safety risks and operating costs by automating tasks in the field e.g electric autonomous haul trucks and the robots to monitor construction progress. The key to maintaining a successful career during this industry transition is to recognize the new types of job opportunities that come with technological evolution.


And more recently, Sustainability of the Environment has taken centre stage. Awareness of the issues is key for any role in this sector. After all, to ensure your CV stands out, you must adapt your application to the specific needs of the industry.


Jobs in the oil and gas sector are sometimes available in some of the most remote parts of the world. A lot of the main working sites for the big oil and gas companies are in developing countries. Recruiters look out for evidence that you are willing to travel, so it’s important that any experience you’ve had working in remote locations, on different projects of all sizes, or have had international exposure or mindset, is highlighted in your CV. If you don’t have this experience, put other evidence of your flexibility in the CV, and state that you are internationally mobile.

Evolving nature of industry:

An Evolving industry …. means roles are also evolving. So you need to be in the know on where the industry is headed. e.g. As the industry moves towards a more complex and technical environment, automation and big data analytics are vital to improving operations and productivity for the companies involved. This trend has helped the oil and gas workforce to do their jobs by automating repetitive tasks and empowering workers to focus on higher-value functions.

The Oil and Gas industry is also well-known for its cyclical nature – with surges and declines in oil and other commodity prices, together with environmental concerns/criticisms, and energy replacement initiatives constantly affecting the business, and ultimately the jobs.

Opportunities however still abound as the industry has proven its resilience, especially for people who are willing to develop new skills to adapt to the different evolving roles.

In a nutshell:

To prove yourself and show why you are the right person to be hired, it is important that your CV is well-crafted, clearly demonstrating your skills, strengths, and achievements.


1. Resume Header

Ensure your header clearly states your Name, Email Address and Contact Number. There is no need to put your home address or identification number.

2.Executive Summary

The executive summary gives a quick overview of your work history. Here, we want to communicate your strong work ethic, desire to learn and leadership abilities.

Specifically emphasise your domain expertise in the field you’re applying for.

3.Technical Skills

It is highly recommended to include a technical skills table in your resume. This will help the recruiter gain a quick understanding of your skills in a single glance.

4.Work Experiences

Always break your work experiences into 2 parts – your daily workscope and your achievements.

For the daily workscope, include a high level summary. Workscopes which are implied can be omitted. Remember, you want to keep your resume short and sharp for the recruiter.

This section includes all the keywords resume scanning softwares often use. Its important to place key softwares/languages here relevant to the job ad you’re applying for. Scan the job application and parrot back the key phrases they’ve mentioned into your resume.

5. Key Achievements

Your achievements section is critical to differentiating your application from that of your peers. Include projects which you have led and their resulting tangible business benefits.

These benefits can be in the form of:

  • Cost savings to the firm
  • New revenue gains
  • Better / Streamlined processes
  • Awards received during tenure

Always tie back your projects to business benefits. Ultimately, the company wants to know you can bring great value to their organisation.

As far as possible do include metrics or numbers in your achievements. This helps to provide an objective, quantifiable view of your skills and abilities.

Key Pointers Hiring Managers Look For In Oil & Gas Engineer Resumes

  • You’ve learnt what it takes to write a successful Sales Manager resume. But what exactly are some of the latest traits that recruiters looking out for?
  • Your experience in comprehending business needs and translating them into technical specifications
  • Proven leadership skills in managing teams and delivering large projects on time, under budget, and with a flawless Health & Safety record
  • Oil and gas engineering is a project-based and project-heavy industry. If you’ve worked on major projects in the past, be sure to include them on your CV as well. You can do so through the Significant Projects approach.

    i.e Instead of Significant Achievements/Highlights, adopt the following format:
    Project Title

    Role: XX | Project Value: USD XXm

    A brief description of the project.

  • Your individual contribution to the project’s success
  • Another contribution or responsibility
  • I didn’t showcase this example in the CV breakdown, but adopt it if it’s relevant to your context. You don’t need to choose between this and the Achievements – it’s perfectly okay (and in fact recommended!) to include achievements on your CV –your resume is a marketing tool, and should thus show off what you’ve accomplished.
  • You can do so by placing an ‘Other Significant Achievements’ section after all your significant projects. If the project in itself represents an achievement (led to some improvement in efficiency, generated a lot of revenue, etc.), you can add a line under the last project job description talking about its significance. In other words:
    Project Title

    Role: XX | Project Value: USD XXm

    A brief description of the project.


  • Your individual contribution to the project’s success
  • Another contribution or responsibility
  • Project resulted in a strong recurring revenue pipeline valued at over USD 100M.
  • This combines the best of both worlds, and strengthens your CV immensely.

Oil & Gas Engineer Job Opportunities

Join LinkedIn groups or follow companies you wish to work for or keep abreast with new job openings.

Alternatively, reach out to these headhunters in Singapore to learn about any vacancies they may have.

Also be aware and keep tab of industry-specific job boards like Rigzone and AsiaPetroleumJobs.

Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter

Create a winning cover letter and send it along with your resume. The cover letter serves as an introduction about yourself and the strongest indication to the recruiter on the question “Why should we hire you?”

Be active on social media, particularly on LinkedIn. Make sure to create a strong online profile that represents you and your professional experience. Here’s our comprehensive guide on writing a great LinkedIn profile.

Before You Go…

Be sure to download this resume sample, which uses our tested-and-proven resume writing techniques, as a guide for your own CV. Best part is, this sample is available for free, so go ahead and start using it to craft your own resume 🙂

And before you start sending out applications, send us your resume for a free CV feedback analysis from our team. We’ll review your CV in detail, share personalised feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, and show you how you can improve it.

Harry Suresh