Cover Letter Templates

for Singapore jobseekers of all experience levels

December 30, 2023

Our templates have landed candidates jobs at these amazing companies. Browse our full collection below.

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#1 Timeless Black

A simple and classic Cover Letter template.
Timeless Black

#2 Professional Black

Simple yet distinctive in style.
Elegant Shell

#3 Modern Black

A contemporary variation of our professional template.
Modern Cover Letter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about our Cover Letter Templates

What is a Cover Letter?

A Cover Letter is a one-page document you send with your CV when applying for jobs. Unlike a CV, which is filled with factual bullet points, the cover letter acts more as a personal statement to sell your candidacy to the hiring manager.

Cover letters are sometimes called a “letter of motivation”. As the name suggests, the letter should describe your personal motivations for applying to the job. This can include anecdotal reasons for your interest in the role as well as long term career aspirations.

When used correctly, the cover letter can be a great tool to win over the hiring manager with your personality and enthusiasm. For more examples on how to write a great cover letter, read our Ultimate Cover Letter Guide for 2024.

How to Write a Cover Letter?

A good cover letter is structured into the following paragraphs:

Introductory Paragraph: Include salutations and the role you’re applying for
Personal Background: A short paragraph introducing yourself together with a brief professional background
Why You?: The main body of the cover letter. Talk about why you’re the best candidate for the job. Include research you’ve done on the company as well as any soft skills you have which aren’t visible in your CV
Thank You and Closing: Thank the reader for their attention and end the letter

Write in a formal tone that communicates your professionalism while still demonstrating your enthusiasm for the role.

What Sections Should I Include in a Cover Letter?

Your Cover Letter should have 3 main sections: A Header Section (Introductory Paragraph), the Body (Personal Background and Why You?), and finally a Closing Section with a Call to Action.

Remember – your Cover Letter isn’t an essay! It’s a targeted letter that speaks directly to the Hiring Manager. Keep it concise, tailored and relevant for your reader.

How Long Should My Cover Letter Be?

Your Cover Letter should be no more than one page in length. Be succinct and sell yourself in the cover letter. Once you’ve captured their attention, use your Resume to go into more detail about your career history and Significant Achievements acquired throughout your career.

Why Choose our Free Cover Letter Templates?

You’re right – there are hundreds of free Cover Letter Templates online. You can even use Cover Letter builders. So what makes us different?

We get you job interviews. At ResumeWriter, we’ve been writing clients’ resumes for over 10 years. We land them interviews. You know what’s key to successfully landing an interview?

A simple yet EFFECTIVE cover letter template. Which we’re offering to you below!

Who Created These Cover Letter Templates?

These Cover Letter Templates are written in-house by the ResumeWriter Team. As HR Veterans ourselves, we’ve read and reviewed thousands of resumes and cover letters throughout our careers.

We’ve discovered what works, and what doesn’t. What helps information to stick, and what leads to distractions.

This Cover Letter Template set is the result of plenty of research. We’re offering them to you for free!

Can I See Some Cover Letter Samples produced by the ResumeWriter Team?

Absolutely! Check out our 20+ Cover Letter Samples. They are professional, modern and designed in line with our signature ResumeWriter format.

Browse through the list to find a Cover Letter Sample for your industry.

Use these Cover Letter Samples as inspiration when writing your own. Before applying for jobs, however, why not reach out to us for a Free CV Feedback session with our team of HR Experts first?

How do I Write a Resume with my Cover Letter?

Your Resume is an essential document when sending job applications.

It captures your career history, skill sets and professional Achievements.

Even if you have the best Cover Letter, you won’t land many interviews if your Resume does a poor job at communicating the value you bring to the table.

If you’re uncertain how to write an effective Resume, you can always reach out to us for help.

Do you have free Resume Templates?

Yes, we do! Check out our 10+ downloadable Resume Templates, or be inspired by our 50+ Resume Samples.

Hundreds of clients trust us as their go-to source for expert career advice.

Harry Suresh