Best Interests & Hobbies to Include a Resume in 2024

October 18, 2023

hobbies in resume

In the world of job hunting, your resume is your first impression. While it primarily serves to highlight your professional qualifications and work experiences, many job seekers overlook the importance of including hobbies and interests. 

Hobbies and interests can provide valuable insights into your character, showcasing traits such as teamwork, dedication, and passion that can make you a well-rounded and appealing candidate. 

In 2023, as the job market continues to evolve, knowing what hobbies to include in your resume can be a significant advantage. 

Let’s go through the significance of mentioning hobbies and interests on your resume and discuss eight of the best hobbies to showcase. 

Furthermore, we’ll provide insights on how to write about your hobbies in a resume, and finally, we’ll list a range of additional hobbies to consider.

If you also want to learn how to craft your “about me” section, click on the link. Now, let’s dive into it!

Why Mention Hobbies and Interests on Your Resume?

When it comes to creating a resume, most job seekers focus on their professional achievements, skills, and educational background. 

However, incorporating your hobbies and interests into your resume can also offer several advantages:

  1. Showcasing Personality: Hobbies and interests provide a glimpse into your personality and character. They reveal more about who you are outside of the workplace, allowing potential employers to connect with you on a personal level.
  2. Teamwork and Collaboration: Certain hobbies, such as team sports or community involvement, demonstrate your ability to work well with others and contribute to a group effort.
  3. Commitment and Dedication: Hobbies that require time and effort, like learning a musical instrument or mastering a sport, indicate that you possess determination and the drive to achieve long-term goals.
  4. Well-Roundedness: Having a diverse range of interests shows that you are a well-rounded individual, which can be an asset in various professional settings.
  5. Conversation Starters: Your hobbies can serve as excellent conversation starters during interviews, allowing you to connect with the interviewer on a personal level and stand out from other candidates.

Now that we understand why mentioning hobbies and interests is beneficial let’s explore eight hobbies that can significantly enhance your resume in 2023.

hobbies in resume

8 Best Hobbies to Include in Your Resume

Learn what to add to boost your application with some of the best hobbies in resume.

1. Volunteer Work

Volunteering for charitable organizations or community projects demonstrates your commitment to social causes and your willingness to give back to the community. This showcases your sense of social responsibility and teamwork.

2. Foreign Language Learning

Mentioning your interest in learning foreign languages can be an asset, especially in a globalized job market. It reflects your dedication to self-improvement and adaptability.

3. Leadership in Clubs or Associations

If you hold a leadership position in a club, association, or group, it can demonstrate your leadership, communication, and organizational skills.

4. Team Sports

Participation in team sports like soccer, basketball, or volleyball highlights your ability to collaborate with others, communicate effectively, and work towards a common goal.

5. Blogging or Content Creation

If you maintain a blog or create content online, it showcases your writing and creativity skills. This can be especially advantageous in fields that require strong communication skills.

6. Musical Instruments

Playing a musical instrument, such as the guitar or piano, indicates discipline and commitment to honing a skill. It also suggests a creative and methodical mindset.

7. Travel and Adventure

Mentioning your passion for traveling or adventure sports portrays you as an open-minded individual who seeks new experiences and can adapt to different environments.

8. Book Club or Reading

Being part of a book club or having a passion for reading suggests intellectual curiosity, strong analytical skills, and an ability to think critically.

Alternatively, you can also add a few high income skills to your resume.


Other Hobbies to Mention in a Resume

While the above eight hobbies can significantly enhance your resume, there are a few that stand out in 2023 due to the evolving job market. Consider including the following hobbies:

  1. Coding or Programming: In an increasingly digital world, proficiency in coding or programming languages is a valuable skill. It demonstrates your technical aptitude and problem-solving abilities.
  2. Data Analysis: With the growing importance of data-driven decision-making, showcasing an interest in data analysis or statistics can make you more attractive to employers in various industries.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: Given the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, mentioning involvement in sustainability initiatives or your passion for eco-friendly practices can set you apart.
  4. Digital Marketing and Social Media Management: In the age of online marketing, demonstrating an interest in digital marketing or social media management can highlight your understanding of modern marketing techniques.
  5. Meditation and Mental Health Practices: As awareness of mental health and wellbeing continues to rise, indicating your involvement in meditation, mental health initiatives, or yoga and mindfulness practices can convey empathy and a healthy work-life balance.

How to Write Interests and Hobbies in Your Resume

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of including hobbies on your resume let’s explore how to effectively incorporate them:

  1. Placement: Include your hobbies and interests in a separate section towards the end of your resume, usually after your work experience, education, and skills.
  2. Be Selective: Limit your list to 2-4 hobbies or interests to keep your resume concise. Choose those that align best with the job you’re applying for.
  3. Relevance: Tailor your hobbies to the job description. Highlight interests that demonstrate skills or qualities that the employer is seeking.
  4. Specificity: When describing your hobbies, be specific. Instead of saying, “I enjoy playing the guitar,” you can say, “I have been playing the acoustic guitar for over 7 years, honing my skills in fingerpicking and song composition.”
  5. Quantify Achievements: Mention any notable achievements related to your hobbies. For example, “Led my soccer team to victory in the regional championship” or “Published 30 blog articles that received over 100,000 views.”
  6. Highlight Transferable Skills: Emphasize the transferable skills your hobbies have helped you develop, such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, or problem-solving.
  7. Stay Honest: Ensure that the hobbies you list are genuine interests. Don’t include activities you have no real passion for, as it can come across as insincere.

Additional Hobbies to Consider

While the above-mentioned hobbies are particularly relevant in 2023, there are countless other interests you can include in your resume to stand out and make a memorable impression. Here is a list of additional hobbies you might want to consider:

  • Photography
  • Cooking or Baking
  • Gardening
  • Painting or Artistic Creation
  • Home Improvement
  • Astronomy
  • Scuba Diving
  • Stand-up Comedy
  • Podcasting
  • Rock Climbing
  • Calligraphy
  • Playing Chess
  • Running or Marathon Participation
  • Competitive Gaming
  • Public Speaking
  • Model Building
  • Equestrian Activities
  • Carpentry
  • Wine Tasting
  • Bird Watching
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Bird Watching
  • Surfing
  • Kite Flying
  • Vintage Car Restoration
  • Travel Blogging
  • Pottery and Ceramics
  • Food Critique or Food Blogging
  • Playing Board Games
  • Historical Reenactment
  • Film or Movie Critique
  • Sculpting
  • Home Brewing
  • Wine Tasting and Collecting
  • Beekeeping
  • Sailing
  • Horseback Riding
  • Robotics and DIY Electronics
  • Juggling
  • Chess or Strategic Board Games
  • Kiteboarding
  • Fashion Design
  • Archery
  • Stand-up Comedy
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Mountaineering and Climbing
  • Magic Tricks
  • Martial Arts
  • Scuba Diving
  • Paragliding
  • Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RPGs)
  • Gardening and Horticulture
  • Caving or Spelunking
  • Antique Collecting
  • Ballroom or Latin Dancing
  • Geocaching
  • Origami
  • Mixology and Bartending
  • Historical Document Archiving
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming
  • Crossword Puzzles
  • Astronomy and Stargazing
  • Historical Research and Genealogy
  • Target Shooting
  • Hiking and Nature Exploration
  • Vintage Fashion and Retro Style
  • Beekeeping
  • Home Improvement and DIY Projects
  • Classic Movie Watching
  • Astronomy
  • Kayaking
  • Whitewater Rafting
  • Hot Air Ballooning
  • Local History and Heritage Preservation
  • Knitting and Crocheting
  • Whale Watching
  • Bonsai Tree Care
  • Folk or Ethnic Dancing
  • Historical Reenactment
  • Snowboarding
  • Learning Magic Tricks
  • Bird Watching and Bird Photography
  • Ghost Hunting
  • Drone Flying and Aerial Photography
  • Collecting Vinyl Records
  • Wine and Cheese Pairing
  • Storytelling
  • Calligraphy
  • Roller Skating or Rollerblading


In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume can make all the difference. Including hobbies and interests in your resume is not just about personalizing your application; it’s an opportunity to showcase your character and unique skills that can set you apart from other candidates. 

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can effectively highlight your passions and make a memorable impression on potential employers. 

As the job market evolves in 2023, staying up-to-date with the best hobbies to include on your resume can give you a significant advantage in landing your dream job. 

Once you land a job interview and if you struggle with answering some tricky interview questions, here’s how to answer: Why should we hire you?

Diane Wong